TAG Photo
Lemonade Stand

What is TAG?

TAG is a teen and tween-based library group that meets twice a month to discover ways to positively impact the community and increase YA representation within the library. Students connect regularly with friends and peers and are given the tools to learn important life skills through leadership experience, fundraising, and large-scale thinking.

Benefits of Joining

  • Make a positive difference
  • Gain leadership skills and community experience
  • Socialize with other teens and tweens
  • Snacks (and sometimes pizza) at meetings!
  • Great for resumes and college applications

Fundraising Events

  • Lemonade stand during Bean Days
  • Humane Society fundraiser
  • Vendor stand for Fall Fest
  • Hot cocoa bar fundraiser
  • Various smaller fundraisers throughout the year

How to Get Started

Come to a meeting or stop by the library to fill out a short information sheet. Get involved and come to meetings, and you’ll be a TAG member!

View our TAG meeting dates and events on the calendar below!

Click Here!